Get your video assistance software, Remote eye, now with simultaneous multilingual VOICE TRANSLATOR.


Technical assistance services

Increase the value of your technical service

Maximise your services with the best software for mobile and smart glasses, connecting field technicians with knowledge in the cloud and with your remote specialists, improving the productivity and quality of your technical service.

video technical assistance services

Differentiate with remote after-sales service

Wideum's assisted reality solutions help field service teams transform into value-added creators

Monitors risks in dangerous activities

Field service technicians have to deal with dangerous situations that need immediate support. Your experts can provide assistance remotely in order to identify the exact issue and offer precise guidance to solve it, while on-site staff maintain full situational awareness.

Combat the shortage of qualified technical staff

Have your technicians remotely view the machine from the perspective of on-site technicians, eliminating the need for costly and unproductive travel. This allows for a more efficient and cost-effective technical team.

Instructs and guides anyone in need of support in the field.

Provide step-by-step instructions and training in the field to reduce error rates. Take still images and video for inspection and quality. Enable the creation of digital records with preset workflow programming, ensuring every step is completed in the correct sequence.

How we helped KUKA compete against local suppliers

Kuka has hundreds of robotics machines throughout Spain. When failures or damage happens, their service and maintenance personnel are required to travel to the sites in order to fix them. So that they enjoy a high level of customer satisfaction and remain competitive in the countries where they operate, Kuka must always provide their customers with very efficient technical service.

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How we helped Astican Reduce costs and technicians’ time

Astican wanted to be more efficient in its customer service department. They were searching for new technology that could help them upgrade their department, and they found the solution in Wideum’s remote assistance technology.

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How we helped Amazon Improve internal efficiency within the logistics area

Amazon has more than 1,150 warehouses / distribution centres in the United States. When they have a problem with machinery or equipment within their warehouses, they have to wait for the teams in charge to assist them. This causes internal delays and high costs

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How we helped TKE Improve internal Audits

TK Elevator contacted Wideum through a consultancy in order to evaluate the use of the remote assistance platform so as to improve their internal audit.

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How we helped Hardi with their Virtual Product Demonstrations

In 2020, celebrating this seminar was a challenge due to travel restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and Hardi had to look for alternative ways of making the annual event happen.

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How can we help?

The best support for your customers is to provide them with a skilled field service to solve their equipment and maintenance problems.

remote eye logo

Remote video support software with AI and AR to connect on-site technicians with support departments, running on PCs, mobiles, tablets and smart glasses.

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twin eye logo

A remote video assistance software used in smart glasses that allows both the technician and the expert to communicate hands-free to perfectly solve any incident.

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Process eye logo

Step-by-step guidance software with AI and AR for error prevention ensures full traceability during any inspection, assembly or maintenance task.

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At Mapfre Global Risks we carry out risk inspections without geographical barriers, bringing places as far away as a metallurgical plant in Malaysia, a fertilizer plant in the Atacama Desert or a refinery in Mexico or the United States closer to the MAPFRE building where the engineer carries out his activity. . This is made possible by a recent alliance with Wideum, a technology company that develops solutions based on assisted and augmented reality in more than 40 countries.

Eduardo García Mozos

Director of the Engineering Area of ​​MAPFRE Global Risks

"We see a bright future in our business partnership with Wideum due to their continuous product improvements and quick response capabilities."

Adrian Cheong

Technical product manager