Rokid is a product-oriented platform company dedicated to human-computer interaction. As the Pioneer of AR, Rokid is devoted to the R&D of hardware and software products of AR headsets.
Smart Glasses Free TrialRemote Collaboration
Empower your frontline workers by enabling them to livestream issues to remote experts, who can see everything and guide the workers through troubleshooting processes to get key equipment back online quickly.
X-Craft’s 5G capabilities enable it to process tremendous amounts of IoT and cloud data, ensuring real-time access to essential data, documents, and apps.
X-Craft’s 40° field of view, waveguide see-through display, with its high contrast and transparency (light transmittance over 80%) enable wearers to see both the physical and digital worlds clearly.
Time saved in troubleshooting
Travel hours saved
Better diagnosis
See how easy it is to set up your smart glasses and start using Wideum’s remote support software to improve your customer service
Process eye by Wideum
Remote eye by Wideum