Increase your support team without hiring more staff

Use the calculator to find out how many hours you can free up from your technicians by using remote support.

How many technicians does your support team have?

How many trips per year does a technician make on average?

What is the average cost of 1 technician's trip? (including Transportation, Hotel, and Food)

What is the average gross annual salary of 1 technician?

How many days on average is 1 technician blocked resolving an incident for which he had to travel?

Savings in Man-Hours 1

man hours freed up by your technicians per year

which are equivalent to

additional technicians available, no new hires

Savings in Money 1

savings per year by using remote assistance.


For every 1 € invested are recovered

per year.

1 Replacing 25% of trips with remote assistance. Our clients save between 25% and 40% on average.

Your current cost for on-site support:

Travel spending

Cost in man-hours

Annual total

Your cost with 25% of remote assistance:

Travel spending

Cost in man-hours2

Cost of remote assistance software

Annual total


Considering 45 min for remote assistance.

Annual savings