It is generally admitted that good branding increases the value of a company, providing employees with a purpose, and customers with trust. Having a strong brand impacts your business in three ways: First, branding improves recognition. A professional logo design should be simple enough to be memorable, but powerful enough to give the desired impression of your company.
Second, a brand is a story that creates trust. Emotional reactions coming from powerful stories are hardwired into our brains, and those reactions are very real influencers.
And finally branding is known to build financial value. Companies who publicly trade on a stock exchange are valued at many times the actual hard assets of the company, in part due to the brand equity of that company. The greater a company’s devotion to build its brand value, the better the financial return from its efforts.
We have just launched a full new identity, vision and values to build our new personality, taking a totally fresh new look at the way we want to make a difference in the world. It has been a very rewarding experience, but our brand and what Wideum stands for have not been altered. It has always been an innovative brand, full of sustainability principles and customer focus.
Since our creation, as high tech specialists in software and remote service applications, Wideum has always been close to our customers. But for the last few years we have become “value creators”, generating opportunities for our customers to save money and be more productive. We call this “From creating code to creating value”.
We did a fair amount of research to understand emerging trends in the world with regards to remote service. We quickly came to the conclusion that there was only one natural brand space to occupy for Wideum. We called it “Always there”, which means that everything we do aims at enabling business to continue, to happen without interruption, to work more productively.
We then defined our purpose:” to protect the business continuity of our customers, and their customers”, our vision, mission and values that guide our daily commitment to a more productive business and is inextricably linked with the care Wideum has always displayed for people.
We deliver a vital service to our customers. Protection is embedded in everything we do, and everything we believe. Our business is fundamentally about people. We put people first whether they be a machine operator, technician or doctor. This gives our customers total confidence to enable their businesses to grow and thrive.
The last part of the identity definition was developing the visual representation of that brand territory: after some iterations and alternatives, a “Wave” was chosen as the symbol of our brand values and attributes. We’ve elevated the Wideum brand to a multinational level in competition with the most innovative companies in the Industry 4.0 arena.
The re-branded proposal was then exposed and validated with key stakeholder groups around the world, including hundreds of employees and customers.
Remote Eye, Twin Eye and Process Eye (beta), Wideums first suite of solutions were renamed and redesigned to fit the new umbrella brand attributes.
Rolling out Wideum’s new identity will give new meaning to everything our employees do in their daily jobs, and more pride for doing it. People need more than just work— they need something to work toward, and our customers will undoubtedly see that increased engagement in our employees, and our renewed commitment to work tirelessly to find solutions to their biggest service challenges.
With this revitalised brand, our ambition is to build on what we are already doing with even more energy and focus.
Wouldn’t you agree that our new brand just says that?